Newsletter June 2023

June 2023

      Greetings to our Hungry 4 Him Family and Friends,
      I am writing to share about my journey on my most recent mission trip to Kenya. This was trip # 6 for me since 2010, with every trip having its own unique experiences, struggles, and blessings. On every trip though, God’s presence, guidance, and providing were always clear and present. Much scripture tells us of His Grace, His Faithfulness and His Promises to us as we seek His will in our lives and then… as we are obedient to His call on us. I believe His call can be different for many of us as He gives different gifts to different people, but He DOES have a clear purpose for each of us.
   He tells us all to…
“Love your Neighbor…” Matthew, Mark. Luke, and John”
“When God’s children are in need, be the one to help them out.”
“Let us stop just saying we love each other, let us really show it in our actions” 1 John 3:18
“If you help the poor, you are lending to the Lord…” Proverbs 19:17 Oh that WE might be able to do anything to actually “Lend to the Lord” is so humbling.
   If you believe in the authenticity of scripture, and that it is truly the “inspired word of God” (2 Timothy 3:16-17), then we simply cannot, and must not, ignore what it tells us. Through this trip… AND through the prayers and financial support of many others… I firmly believe that we did love our neighbors, help those in need, gave, provided, encouraged, and shared The Gospel in a way that pleased and glorified God.
    Though I may have traveled alone, it was through the blessings of others that “WE” were able to provide much needed food to children that have had to struggle with the effects of runaway inflation and a terrible economy. Food prices have doubled in price from 1 year ago for most staples, such as corn, rice, flour, tea, and sugar. Unemployment in Kenya is nearly 60%, and some of those with jobs are making the equivalent of 5-10$ per day. These people need help, and in some small way, God used us to be His hands and feet. While providing food for a few weeks, paying teachers some back wages, or meeting physical needs is certainly helpful and necessary, the “endgame” is the goal.
     By providing a solid education, by teaching a firm foundation of faith in Christ, by teaching honesty, integrity, high moral values, and life skills it will serve these children for the rest of their lives. And in terms of “faith in Christ” it will serve them well beyond, literally into ETERNITY. Monthly support sent by H4H must go into meeting daily material needs, other support has been applied to long term, self-sustaining projects such as buying land, planting, and growing crops. Digging and building water wells and raising over 2000 chickens that are currently producing eggs for the children.
     Sustainability in helping is a high priority, even more so than just providing “short term” aid, though BOTH are needed. Ongoing “short term” aid can lead to dependency, while long term, sustainable projects lead to freedom and independence.
     My support from family and friends was amazing. Many gave what they could, and some even more. Several people that I did not even seek support from sought me out and gave generously. One even calling me while I was in Kenya and asked,” Is it too late? How can I help?” It was not, and is still not, too late to help and be a part of God’s work in Kenya.
      Another powerful blessing and joy was to be able to support some local churches and pastors financially in the work they do. The churches are very poor as the people have so little that they can seldom pay their pastors or do the ministry work that needs to be done. By God’s grace, and by support of others, we were able to meet some of these needs.
       There was MUCH more about this trip that is not included in this newsletter however my hope and prayer is that I have shared the experiences that God wanted me to share. Some moments are more private that I will just hold in my heart and be thankful for having been a part of them.
    A priority goal now is to work towards some of the sustainable projects that will hopefully bear fruit for years to come. If there is a desire and ability to help, I would ask that you pray about these needs and speak to me, or us at Hungry 4 Him Ministries , as any help, 1 time gift or small ongoing support, would be put to good use.
    In closing I wish to share some scripture that my wife sent with me in a card that I opened while in Kenya. I found all of it very appropriate, assuring, inspiring and empowering.
   “Do not be afraid or discouraged, for The Lord is the One who goes before you, He will be with you: He will neither fail nor forsake you,” Deuteronomy 31:8
“He guides me along the path of righteousness for His name’s sake. Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I shall fear no evil, for your rod and your staff comfort me,” Psalm 23:3-4
   May Peace and His presence be with you all. Together In Christ,

  Jeff Meyer
 Hungry 4 Him Board member

Newsletter June 2022

Dear Hungry4Him Family,                                                                                  

It has been awhile since we have written a newsletter and please accept our sincere apologies on that.  Honestly, we were trying to have one of our supported children write one but was not able to get one at this time. We will try again since we think hearing from them would be a great point of view to see how they see things.

When the children are in eighth grade, they know their time is limited and they might not be able to go to high school. In order to go they must raise funds to do that. The schools in Kenya are not free and many times the children need sponsors to be able to go. Sadly, many do not go to high school and end back on the streets to raise money to go back to school but many never do since they are struggling just to live day to day.

The high school at Benard’s Vision is about to open and we are so excited for that!  The children at the school are excited to see that hope clearly in view.  This brings so much hope for them to have that high school as the finish 8th grade it brings hope for the future.

It is hard to believe it was only a dream in 2017. The pastor who started the school, Bernard, had a desire to build a high school on the current property of Bernard’s Vision School, to give those children hope by continuing their education. In order to do that he needed to buy land near the school. Trying to get all the property needed per the government requirements for a high school was the start of it all. That was again, only the first step but there was more to do. So many obstacles stood in the way, but the Lord started to open the doors for the land and he was able to buy it and started to build the high school. Many other obstacles came but each one removed. Little by little, each part was completed, as the money came in, until it was completed. We look forward to it holding many 9th – 12th graders. 

The children are trying so hard to live and the simplest task there is not easy. They do not have enough food to fill their bellies, they must share books together in class since they do not have enough to have their own. Many of these children live at the school since they are orphans, some have families but it may not be the best situation for them. Even though the circumstances are hard these children thrive and do so well on their tests, and finished very strong this year. They ranked very high in the Kenya school system.

Regardless of their struggle, these precious children are happy, and do believe in the Lord, and believe they have a future.  If you ask them what they want to be when they grow up, they will tell you many different occupations, from a police officer, a teacher, a doctor, etc. The Lord has a plan for them. These children are precious to the Lord.

We are so grateful to our sponsors who have given to the children, and pray the Lord will bless you and your family. 


Barb Roithner and the Hungry4Him Board

Newsletter October 2021

Dear Hungry4Him Family,

I clearly remember my first trip to Kenya, in 2017, the sights, the sounds, and those precious children. The children that are trying so hard to live and the simplest task there is not easy. They do not have enough food to fill their bellies, they must share books together in class since they do not have enough to have their own. Many of these children live at the school since they are orphans, some have families but it may not be the best situation for them. 

Sometimes when they first come to school, they need to learn the basics and not just school, but how to clean themselves like learning how to take a shower, and how to use the bathroom. Those are things we take for granted and teach our children to do.  Regardless of their struggle, these precious children are happy, and do believe in the Lord, and believe they have a future.  If you ask them what they want to be when they grow up, they will tell you many different occupations, from a police officer, a teacher, a doctor, etc. The Lord has a plan for them. These children are precious to the Lord. As I think about these children, they are precious to me, and I have had the opportunity to pray over them. The memories I have of Kenya are deeply embedded in me, and hold a special place in my life, that to this day changed me forever. They are not children that I don’t personally know, they have deeply touched me in the depth of my soul, this is from the Lord, so when I talk about them, I really feel their burdens, and struggles and my love for them is real I’m not writing facts but people’s lives, they do really matter to the Lord. 

When the children are in eighth grade, they know thier time is limited and they might not be able to go to high school. In order to go they must raise funds to do that. The schools in Kenya are not free and many times the children need sponsors to be able to go. Sadly, many do not go to high school and end back on the streets to raise money to go back to school but many never do since they are struggling just to live day to day.

In 2017 at Bernard’s Vision School, the pastor who started the school, Bernard, had a desire to build a high school on the current property of Bernard’s Vision School, to give those children hope by continuing their education. In order to do that he needed to buy land near the school.  So many obstacles stood in the way, but the Lord started to open the doors for the land and he was able to buy it and started to build the high school. Many other obstacles came but each one removed, and little by little, the building of the high school continues. 

I was part of a team that went back to Kenya in 2019. To my amazement, the high school was being built!  That building being on site where the children could see it every day gave new hope to the children of Bernard’s Vision School. You could feel it and see it in the children’s faces. They are excited to have an opportunity to go to high school. The high school is not yet completed, but is getting closer all the time.  We have included a new picture of the high school in this newsletter.

We are so grateful to our sponsors who have given to the children, and pray the Lord will bless you and your family. 

As I wrote this newsletter, the Lord reminded me of Galatians 6:2 carry each other’s burdens, and in this way, you will fulfill the law of Christ.


Barb Roithner, a board member of Hungry4Him Board

Newsletter November 22, 2020

 Dear Hungry 4 Him family and co workers in Christ,

  We at H4H all hope and pray that you are all well in what has been a trying and difficult 2020 year. We wish to take a few moments and reflect and pray over the needs of our ministry, our supporters, and for this country as a nation.

  We praise you our Lord and Saviour for your grace and providing through these troubling, uncertain times. May your mercy, protection, presence, and divine guidance continue to be upon us. May our faith NOT waver, but GROW amidst this pandemic, national unrest, political turmoil, economic struggles, natural disasters, and the evil that seems to be spreading throughout our nation. May we all remain Strong and Faithful to your calling upon our Lives. 

  We thank you for YOUR prevailing will over all this.In Jesus’ name we pray.

  On behalf of the Hungry 4 Him Board we wish to thank each one of our supporters for your commitment, faithfulness, support, and your many, many prayers over the years. Together we have provided for so many needs of our brothers and sisters  in Kenya. From buying land, building classrooms, providing teaching supplies, clean water, healthy food, paying teachers, and teaching and showing the Love of Jesus to children who are in need and hungry for Him.

   May His glorious peace and presence be abundant in all your lives.

   In Christ,

   Jeff Meyer

  On behalf of our entire H4H board

Looking Back & Forward – March 2, 2020 – Newsletter

Reflecting back on my time in Kenya, I have seen the Lord moved in the administration of the schools, the teachers, and the children at Benard’s Vision School. These children do have such a hard life, and are hungry, in addition, have many needs (food, shelter, clothing, books, etc.), but in other ways they are thriving and growing spiritually. Sponsors and Board members of Hungry4Him give us opportunities to impact these children in many ways, since we are their voice.  So if you are someone who sponsors the children or just contributes to Hungry4Him please know that every penny does count to do amazing things for the orphans of Kenya. 

The schools are very much thriving and the children just passed their exams and did very well on all their tests.  Psalms 118:25 Oh God save us, God grant us success,” was the prayer of the students of Benard’s Vision School for this year.   The graduating class would of course like to go on to high school but most only go through 8th grade because they have no money to pursue their studies.  Most will need a sponsor to help them go to high school, and that is why a high school on the grounds of Benard’s Vision School is a symbol of hope for those children.  Seeing the high school being built little by little brings much joy to those children. A completed high school would be an answer to prayer since the know the only answer out of the poverty they live in everyday is an education.  

We as a board are grateful to the Lord and to those who sponsor the children and support Hungry4Him, we make a difference in the lives of the orphan children in Kenya.

Barb Roithner

Hungry4Him Board Member

Sweet Times May 29, 2019-Newsletter

Such a blessing to have some Hungry4Him board members being at Benard’s Vision school on a mission trip. We take sweet memories with us.

Board Members

We the Board of Hungry4Him have had privilege of seeing the children in person for many days May 2019. Only two members came but what an amazing time it has been.


Be praying for these sweet children as the continue to learn and grow at school.